Course Description

Want to know how to create massive hip-hop tracks like Jay-Z? Tired of dull, boring beats?

  • Are you sick of making beats that just don't groove?
  • Have you tried to create your own samples with no success?
  • Are you wondering how to create such a great recording in the box?
  • Have you tried referencing your mix to the hits, only to be disappointed in the end?
  • Is it even possible to get those incredible sounds in your home studio?

The best hip-hop music has groove, feel, rhythm, and awesome production. It's easy to fall in love with the huge beats and crazy sounds of today's biggest hip-hop tracks.

But just because you love the sounds doesn't mean you know exactly how to get them on your session.

As a producer, there's always value in learning the tones, styles, and secrets that were used to create incredible hit recordings.

That's why we've painstakingly recreated this hit from scratch - you'll be amazed at what you find.

Pick Apart the Production

  • Discover the possibilities of using plug-ins to get the exact sounds used on the hit.
  • Critically listen to each track to learn the best methods of production and mixing.
  • Figure out all of the subtleties that make this recording great.
  • Every question answered.
  • Every challenge clearly explained.
  • Every "how" and every "why" described in detail.
  • Learn everything you need to know to produce hit-sounding records in your home studio.

Critically Study the Mix

  • Learn the best kept secrets to treating drums in your mix.
  • Explore how to take MIDI drums to the next level with mixing.
  • Figure out the best approach to EQing your tracks for maximum size and clarity.
  • Every knob discussed.
  • Every plug-in described.
  • Learn the "why" behind every decision made toward making a hit.

Producer/Engineer, Songwriter, Multi-Instrumentalist, Instructor

Dean Palya Jr

A multi-instrumentalist, producer and songwriter on Guitar, Piano, Drums, Bass, Organ, Violin, Saxaphone and Vocals, Dean is one of the most versatile music creators working today. In addition to tracking and mixing demos and masters for a range of Nashville artists, he has produced 7 full length records of his own songs in genres as diverse as rock, pop, classical and hip hop. His ability to capture the essence of a song and portray it through the production give his recordings a sincere touch.Dean works hard to understand what an artist is trying to achieve with a project and provides the music to perfectly support and capture the emotion, feel, and sound best suited for the project. Whether it’s an intimate piano ballad, a mellow alternative track, or a high-energy dance pop tune, Dean has the tools to bring it to life.

Course curriculum